How to Authorize a Computer on iTunes

how to authorize a computer on iTunes

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Your iTunes content can be accessed on multiple devices, including your Mac or PC. By authorizing a computer on iTunes, you will be able to access all of your applications, music, movies, books or audio-books, and any other iTunes content. The following guide walks you through exactly how to authorize a computer on iTunes with clear, step-by-step instructions and helpful links if you run into any issues.

How to Authorize a Computer on iTunes in 9 Easy Steps

how to authorize a computer on iTunes

Authorizing a new computer on iTunes is a simple process. You can have up to five separate computers and an unlimited number of iOS devices authorized to your iTunes account. To authorize a new Mac or PC on iTunes you need to be on the computer you are attempting to authorize, have your Apple ID sign on information, and have the latest version of iTunes installed. The following step-by-step instructions will guide you through the authorization process:

  1. Launch the latest version of iTunes on the Mac or the desktop PC you wish to authorize.
  2. Click to select the Account menu.
  3. Choose Sign In.
  4. Enter your Apple ID and password.
  5. Click the Sign In button.
  6. Click to select the Account menu again.
  7. Select Authorizations.
  8. Choose Authorize This Computer.
  9. Provide you password again when prompted to complete the authorization process.

These instructions should provide you will all the information you need on how to authorize a computer on iTunes. If you have issues completing the authorization process, make sure iTunes is updated to the most recent version, as the lack of updates may cause issues. If you believe you might have too many computers authorized, you can check the number of authorizations. You can also use Apple Support for further assistance. Feel free to share your experiences or ask any questions in the comments section below.

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