Can Wifi Go Through Walls?

Can Wifi Go Through Walls?

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We depend so much on our internet on a day to day basis. Wifi is a wireless technology connecting electronics to the internet so that you are able to use it with your phone, tablet, laptop, and tv all at the same time. But, have you ever stopped to think about how it all works? 

A basic explanation of how the internet is able to work for you, the internet is the data or “language”. You then have a modem which translates these signals into an internet connection. Then the Wifi router is able to broadcast it in a local network which your devices will connect to. 

We just use Wifi without thinking about it but it is pretty amazing, right? In saying that, let’s discuss our topic. Can Wifi go through walls?

Wifi can go through walls unless the walls are incredibly thick or made of concrete. Wifi can pass easily through thinner walls such as interior walls that are just covered in drywall. So, it all depends on what type of wall it is. Non-porous walls will cause Wifi to have a shorter signal.

Wifi can go through walls made from drywall, plywood, other kinds of wood, as well as glass easily. Walls that Wifi has a harder time going through are thick reinforced concrete or walls made from non-porous materials. Thicker walls will block, or seriously slow down a Wifi signal. 

Usually Wifi has a range of about 100 feet outdoors and 50 feet indoors but this all depends on what your Wifi router is operating on, the strength of the Wifi, and if any of your walls are thicker. 

So, Wifi signals are weaker when they go through thick walls but they can still go through them. Most walls in a household are just covered in drywall and so you don’t need to worry if your Wifi will reach into other rooms, it will. Even though it has a limited range, Wifi can go through walls if they aren’t super thick.

If you are having Wifi signal issues in your home you can also get a Wifi repeater. You can see the most popular Wifi repeaters by clicking here. 

How Far Can Wifi Travel Through Walls?

The wireless internet connection of Wifi is what makes it possible for us to use the internet anywhere in our homes. It largely depends on the strength of the Wifi router, but Wifi has a relatively long range of use. 

Wifi can go through walls if the walls aren’t too thick or made of solid concrete. So, exactly how far can Wifi travel through walls?

On average Wifi can travel about 50 feet indoors. Some may even travel about 150 feet if the signal is strong and the walls are thin. Exactly how far a Wifi signal will travel depends on the type of router being used as well as any objects that may hinder the signal. 

According to Actiontec, “If you were outside with your router, you might find that you get the best performance up to 100 feet. But when you move the router inside where there’s a concrete wall and solid wood door, the distance for the same performance might drop to 50 feet. If the door was removed and it was just a solid concrete wall, the path loss might be so high you can’t get a signal at all…obstructions like walls and doors can reduce the wireless signal, decreasing its range…Fortunately, most homes are constructed internally with wood studs and drywall. The path loss for this type of construction is much less than with concrete.”

As you can see, how far a Wifi signal can travel through walls depends on certain factors. You shouldn’t have to worry about the Wifi not reaching another room in your home because it can travel relatively far. Especially if you have a good signal and your walls are made from drywall. 

If you have a strong Wifi signal and thinner walls, the Wifi will travel further than if you had a weak signal and thick walls. Still, Wifi can travel through regular walls without any issue in most cases. 

Unless of course the walls are made out of concrete. 

Many of us depend on Wifi for online work, shopping, browsing, etc. Fortunately, the average length Wifi can travel through walls is about 50 feet indoors which is plenty for most people’s homes. 

How Can I Extend My Wifi Range Through Walls?

So, Wifi usually reaches through walls easily unless they are incredibly thick. If you are having trouble with the signal reaching other rooms in your home through the walls, there are some things to help you out. You can’t make your walls thinner, so how can you extend your Wifi range through walls?

You can extend your Wifi signal using a few different methods. You can try moving the router, analyzing the wifi network, updating the router, or even switching router frequencies. You can also try using another route, a wifi extender or booster, or using a mesh network.

Sometimes all you need to do is to simply move the router to a new location away from any obstructions. By placing it as high as possible you can enhance the length the router will reach. Analyzing your Wifi network to see if your neighbors are on the same channel may help as well. If this is the case, you can change to a different channel so the wifi works better. 

Updating the router or switching the router frequency can also help extend the Wifi range. 

If all of these fail, you have a few more options. Try using a second router to help the Wifi reach those dead spots. A Wifi extender is also a great way to help extend your Wifi’s range. 

According to ScreenBeam, “A WiFi extender connects to your network through a wired connection…The wired connection means that a WiFi extender always has a strong, dedicated connection to your network that isn’t susceptible to interference. Thick walls and electronic devices won’t slow down or disrupt your connection. WiFi extenders are the best option for extending your wireless connection to problem areas in your home or office.” Lastly, to extend wifi range through walls, a mesh network provide coverage of more than 1000 square feet in a single or multi-use building and will work if you want to extend wifi further. 

Final Thoughts

Wifi can go through walls unless the walls are extra thick or made of block/concrete. Usually through typical walls, Wifi can travel about 50 feet indoors. However, this all depends on the strength of the router as well as any obstructions. 

Walls made of cement make it harder for the Wifi range to go through them and if this happens, you can try something to help extend the range. 

Wifi extenders work great as well as some other things that we mentioned earlier in this article. So, although the strength of the Wifi and the thickness of the walls have a lot to do with it, Wifi can travel through walls.

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