As a primary disclaimer, the Microsoft Band series was discontinued back in 2016. However, around this time, there were still multiple rumors that Microsoft was working on a 3rd version of the band...
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If you no longer need to use Uber's ride ordering services, you may decide to close your account with Uber. There are two basic ways in which you can remove your Uber account. There are two stages to...
So, you want to connect to the internet with your Xbox 360. You will need an Xbox 360 Wireless Adapter. But you don’t want to shell out the $100 for the adapter. No one blames you. That money could...
Have you ever watched a really great, obscure movie on Netflix, and then forgotten the title, and now you have no idea how to find it again? Perhaps you want to go back and watch it a second time. Or...
Google Safe Search scrubs the search results shown anytime you use Google, removing any potentially explicit content from your results. This feature could also block content you are trying to access....
A Fitbit Charge 2 is a great way to track your health and meet your fitness goals each day. However, you will need to set it up after you unbox it for the first time. The procedures you'll use to...